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2Box speedlight kit

2Box speedlight kit 2BOX bietet mit dem fünfteiligen SpeedLight Kit wieder ein komplettes E-Drum-Set an. Die 2-Zonen-Pads sind mit hochwertigen Mesh Heads bestückt, das 2-Zonen-Crash und 3-Zonen-Ride haben beide eine Choke-Funktion. Das kompakte und leicht zu montierende Rack benötigt eine Aufbaufläche von lediglich 1, 20 x 0, 70 m. Herzstück des SpeedLight Kits ist das 2Box DrumIt Three! Das Weltklasse-Soundmodul, das speziell auf das SpeedLight Kit abgestimmt wurde. Mit dem DrumIt Three erhält man 90 erstklassige und editierbare Werkssounds. Dank der extrem aufwendig gesampelten Akustikkits ist der Realismus der 2BOX-Sounds und das damit verbundene Spielgefühl nach wie vor unerreicht! Der Musiker hat außerdem kostenlosen Zugriff auf eine große Soundbibliothek, die von namhaften Musikern wie Simon Phillips, Marco Minneman und Randy Black produziert wurde. Mit der eigens für 2Box entwickelten kostenlosen Editor-Software können die Pads auch mit eigenen Sounds belegt werden. Aufwändige Multilayer-Samples der eigenen LieblingsSnare oder des eigenen Sets erstellen, ist nur eine von vielen der umfangreichen und einfach bedienbaren Möglichkeiten. 2Box ist gemacht für Musiker die gerne musizieren und nicht stundenlang Gebrauchsanleitungen studieren möchten! 2Box made for musicians who like to make music and do not want to spend hours studying manuals. Play any pad of your choice The original DrumIt concept was a truly ground breaking and new sensation in electronic drums when introduced. We are now taking this technology one step further and present the DrumIt Three module with Open Sound Architecture and Universal Trigger Interface. Based on the same technology as the DrumIt Five we have now added the Universal Trigger Interface allowing the user to connect any kind of pad ∕ trigger to the module*. The new DrumIt Three comply with all popular major drum pad manufacturers’ pads, including cymbals and hi-hats. Open Sound Architecture Enter the world of DrumIt sounds to enjoy the real playing feel, the expressive dynamics and the superior sound quality. Update your old e-drum kit with modern sounds. Be amazed to suddenly being able to play buzz rolls and crescendo cymbals closer to the real thing than you could imagine possible. But it is! Our sound library holds tons of multilayered sounds recorded in top studios and carefully edited. As the sounds consist of many velocity layers, the gradual change between faint and hard hits is faithfully reproduced. Our PC Editor for Windows and MAC offers the possibility to create new sounds and loops from Wave files, convert them to our sound format and download them into the Module via USB. Save time and money The DrumIt Three is a price-worthy and cost-effective alternative to update your current e-drum kit. You can use the e-drum kit hardware you already have. Connect the module, tune in the trigger settings to your particular pad system and off you go, it’s as simple as that. Boost your acoustic kit and enjoy the best of two worlds Use the DrumIt Three with the TrigIt triggers to turn your acoustic kit into a hybrid drum set. Mount the acoustic triggers to your existing acoustic drums and maximize your sound with a combination of acoustic and sampled sounds powered by the DrumIt sound module. For muted acoustic sound, use the triggers with silent heads. The Open Sound Architecture allows you to record your acoustic drums, sample them and trigger them from the module. Play the sounds of famous drummers The DrumIt Three comes with stock sounds of Randy Black, Marco Minneman and Simon Phillips. If that is not enough for you there are plenty more sounds to be downloaded here. Use other sound sources - Your sound possibilities are endless Third party software allows you to convert sounds from famous drum sound libraries and play those sounds in your DrumIt Three sound module instead of triggering sounds via MIDI to a PC. By playing the sounds from the module you will not experience any latency and time consuming compatibility issues. As the sounds are moved into the module, the playing feel is superior with ultra low latency and a great dynamic range. Be in control The Universal Trigger Interface of the DrumIt Three allows the user to control functions for a trigger. For example, start and stop loops and ∕ or Metronome by hitting a pad or change Kit up and down by hitting 2 pads.

Zustand: Neu

Preis: CHF 1350

Tag der Hinzufügung:24.02.2025 11:16:55

Das Inserat ist gültig bis:24.02.2026(Verbleibende Tage: 338)

Kanton:ZürichBezirk / Gemeinde:Dietikon

E-Mail:? @ddrum.ch

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Ansprechpartner / Firma:DDRUM AG

Benutzer - registriert seit:Inserent ohne Registrierung
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Der Kategorie zugeordnet:
Musik, Audio, TanzNeue Schlaginstrumente Zu verkaufen

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