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Schweiz.Inserate.gratisFirmen CH Schweiz
Firmenverzeichnis CH - Firmen in Schweiz
Firmen CH
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Real estate and Business consulting

Handelsname:AB&TC SWISS

Verkauf und Service von real estate and businessconsulting

Real Estate Sell Buy Rent & Business consulting

Italian part of Switzerland: The Italian part of Switzerland boarders with the Nord Italy, so the climate is there is practically the same one. We offer houses, villas, apartments, commercial real estate, offices, hotels.

Nord Italy: We offer real estate not only in cities (Como, Milan, Campione d’Italia, ecc.) but also nearby the airports.

We have a large database of real estate objects as apartments, villas, houses, lands, offices, commercial and industrial areas, hotels, hospitals and much more.
Our objects are located in towns, nearby the lakes, in the mountains, touristy areas, etc.

visa, obtaining of residence permit and permanent residence in Switzerland and Italy.
Swiss consulting company AB & TC Swiss provides a full range of services for the arrangement of families in Switzerland and Italy. Feel free to contact us if you are looking for an accommodation in the Lugano area.

Our services are:

Real Estate:
à Sale and rental of real estate in Ticino, Campione d’Italia and northern Italy.
We have a large database of real estate objects as apartments, villas, houses, lands, offices, commercial and industrial areas, hotels, hospitals and much more.
Our objects are located in towns, nearby the lakes, in the mountains, touristy areas, etc.

visa, obtaining of residence permit and permanent residence in Switzerland and Italy.

We provide a full information on the educational system in Switzerland,

Business organization

Education in Switzerland:

Registration of children in different schools (private schools, the American School Tasis,

higher education institutions, universities and language courses)

We prepare the full package of documents, help you with the applying procedure for the educational institutions and offer interpreter services.

We provide a full information on the educational system in Switzerland, business organization, property acquisition, visa, obtaining of residence permit and permanent residence in Switzerland and Italy.

Verkauf von immobilien, Service

Sitz der Gesellschaft - AB&TC SWISSStraße:Lugano
ÖffnungszeitenMo. - Fr. : 9:00 - 17:00
Sa. : 9:00 - 12:00
So. : geschlossen


E-Mail:? @bluewin.ch


Webseite:http:// ?


Tag der Hinzufügung / Aktualisierung:05.10.2011

Benutzer - registriert seit:05.10.2011

Unter dem Namen zugeordnet:Real estate and Business consulting

Der Kategorie zugeordnet:Realitäten, ImmobilienImmobilienbüro

Kanton:TessinBezirk / Gemeinde:Lugano

Statistiken:8211 Impressionen / 989 Besuche


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